Borge Mogensen Denmark, 1914-1972
Børge Mogensen was known as the furniture designer who created high-quality furniture at affordable prices for Danish homes. He went on to design some of the most renowned furniture designs of the 1950s and 1960s.
An exceptionally productive man, Mogensen’s collection of designs numbers into the thousands. New ideas came to him at any time of the day or night, and were scribbled down on matchboxes, table napkins, creased envelopes, or whatever was at hand.
His lifelong mission was to create simple and practical furniture for everyone. Appearance was important, but never at the expense of functionality. He disapproved of colleagues who succumbed to the whims of fashion, ignored functionality or used excessively expensive materials. In the same breath, he defiantly brushed off any criticism for only using wood, his preferred material in all its different embodiments.
We cannot say the name Børge Mogensen without also mentioning Andreas Graversen. Designers and manufacturers are always dependent on each other, but in this particular case, Andreas Graversen’s acquisition of what was then Fredericia Stolefabrik in 1955 marked the start of more than just a purely professional partnership.
Over the years, the two men developed a strong friendship, fuelled by a common desire to create simple, high-quality furniture with timeless aesthetic appeal. The two men were equally dedicated and passionate, and their partnership was often temperamental, just as any close relationship is.
Børge Mogensen was disciplined and dedicated about his work, yet also the life and soul of any party. Børge loved to sit up all night, enjoying the company of good friends, cigars and wine, and his exuberant presence could be overwhelming. Yet no matter how late he stayed up, he was always back in the studio the next day